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The Values of Evolution in Life

values of evolution

The values of evolution play a vital role in life. These equip us to be better every single day. As Charles Darwin reminded us that it is not the strongest nor the smartest species that can survey but it is the one that can adapt to change. Here are the explanations why evolution matters.

The first value that evolution taught us is it is the most permanent thing in the world. In the book of Ray Dalio, the Principles, he stated that all things get reconfigured in evolving forms.

“Remember that energy can’t be destroyed– it can only be reconfigured. So the same stuff is continuously falling apart and coalescing in the different forms,” Dalio stated.

Importantly, it is the evolution that enables us to adapt in order to improve. With organizations, if your operations could not adapt to the rapid change of technologies, you will miss the opportunity to grasp growth brought by improvements.

For that reason, one of the values of evolution in life is being the greatest reward. As technologies advance, people become more equip in their daily routines. We work smarter and become more productive. It is the reward that mankind needs– to be better individuals to acquire a better quality of life.

Dealing with evolution helps you to fully grasp the reality that we should not be satisfied in maintaining the status quo because present problems can be addressed by changing what we currently have. And changing for the better entails sacrifices. Along the way, we need do push ourselves to the limits to acquire change even though pain might occur. But remember pain emboldens us to be great. Therefore, evolution allows us to choose which path in life we are willing to take.


How Pain Emboldens Us to Be Great Individuals

how pain emboldens us

As they say no pain no gain. But what’s the real explanation for this statement? Well, pain emboldens us differently, especially when we aim for ambitious goals.

At some point, we don’t like to experience pain but nature does not allow this to occur without any purpose. Thus, pain directs us to where we should be heading. However, we should not avoid pain because conquering it is a manifestation that we become progressive in life. We were able to go through our challenges because we pushed ourselves to our limits. And when you push yourself to the limits, you are indeed maximizing your potentials. Indeed, we become better versions of ourselves when we choose to grow beyond our comfort zones.

Accordingly, it is not the conquering part that made us strong but it is when we reflected on our tough times. Stepping back for a moment to ponder how we were able to overcome pain and what we have become after it is significant matters that shape us to better individuals.

“Many people who have endured setbacks that seemed devastating at the time ended up as happy as (or even happier than that) they originally were after they successfully adapted to them,” Ray Dalio written in his book, the Principles.
The truth about pain is to make us understand the reality– if you want to aim for something big, work hard for it. Do not be afraid to create mistakes or fail because if we are open with our weaknesses it will help us deal with them better. The quality of our life depends on the choices we make at those painful moments, and this is how pain emboldens us. Even the worst circumstances in life can be made better with the right approach.

Source: https://qz.com/work/1519245/ray-dalios-philosophy-for-achievement-pain-reflection-progress/

Scientific Ways on How to Be Happy?

how to be happy

With the recent pandemic, a lot of people experience anxieties and depression. Individuals struggled to find joy in their day-to-day lives. This article will impart some scientifically based tips on how to be happy and be more resilient in life.

Happiness does not mean you need to turn negatives into positive ones. It is not just a feeling but a skill that you can strengthen when you practice it. Here are the 5 cores of happiness of Nataly Koran which will support our well-being and help us go through tough times in life.

  1. Acceptance

In life, it is important to acknowledge our difficult situations and feelings rather than neglecting them. Learn to feed your brain clarity–brought by your true situations in life, not something that your brain is creating.

2. Gratitude

It is an active choice you need to make to appreciate small things in life even in the most difficult times. Some people know what is gratitude but only a few individuals who practice this value have benefited from it.

3. Self-care

This refers to ways how you love yourself–manifesting how you take care of your body, mental health, and emotions. Nataly emphasized that self-care is not a luxury but everyone’s responsibility. If you do not care about yourself, how can you show other people that you care for them?

4. Intentional kindness

It is how you show compassion to other people because you want them to be better without asking for anything in return. We need to let our brain feel that human as we are, we need to be connected to other people. We can do this by showing empathy and kindness to any kind without expecting something in return. The connection we create with other people is one way on how to be happy in life.

5. The bigger why

The clarity of our purpose in life is truly essential to be happy. This will remind us that the things we do every single day contribute to them what we want to be in the future and more importantly, to give an impact on something greater than ourselves. Nataly highlighted that if we do something each day, it is helpful to ask ourselves who does it help? Despite that we are having difficulty in doing this, we are shifting our minds to be a pro-social mindset.

These five cores of happiness can easily be incorporated into our daily lives. Keep in mind that we are what we practice. Making this happen will not only make you happy but certainly, you will be an inspiration to the people around you.

Source: https://www.happier.com/the-happier-method/

How to Incorporate Your New Habits into Your Lifestyle

incorporate habits into your lifestyle

Here’s to another new year for everyone to make themselves better. To attain this, people craft New Year’s resolutions and obviously, new habits are desired to be developed. This article will discuss how to incorporate your new habits into your lifestyle

The majority of people develop new habits to obtain the goals they envisioned. But somehow individuals struggle in being consistent with the new regimen you set.

A practical way to incorporate your new habits into your lifestyle is to create cues or triggers. Your environment should stimulate your mind to the habit that you want to adopt. And this is the most simple yet most effective way of incorporating your new habits into your routine because people tend to choose what’s the most obvious rather than and not much on the purposeful drive of it.

Here are different ways on how you can effectively prime your environment based on your goals.

Another way of adopting your new habits is to associate them with a positive routine. When you compel yourself in doing these habits because you know it will make you better, the more you will show up to your habits. The inner satisfaction will keep your fire burning as time flies.

To associate these habits with positive routines, keep in mind to focus on small but progressive steps.

“At this point, when creating the steps that will lead you to concretize the new habit, you need to associate it with feelings of expansion that will permanently energize and drive you,” the report from Entrepreneur stated.

Lastly, for you to effectively incorporate your new habits into your lifestyle, you need to reward yourself for motivation. Reward system has a positive impact to make yourself consistent.

A reward does not need to be extravagant. Keeping a small notebook to write something affirmative to yourself is one way to reward yourself.

Priming your environment, associating new habits to positive routines, and rewarding yourself are effective ways on how you can adopt your new habits. These are simple ways that guarantee you to attain the goals you desire.

Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/363067?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds

4 Ways on how to stick to healthy habits

how to stick to healthy habits

A healthy self is a happy soul. Since we are all confined in our homes, most of us become conscious and eager to have a healthy lifestyle. However, it is difficult to maintain such regimen. Here are simple ways how to stick to healthy habits.

1. Find your purpose

Like any other habit to form, finding purpose is important. This will serve as your core objective which will keep you going.

Keep in mind to set sustainable inspiration rather than immediate -reward goals. People who aim to lose weight will stop adopting a healthy lifestyle after achieving their desired weight.

2. Start your routine with simple habits

Another way on how to stick with your healthy habits is to have simple steps when you start your routine. Building new habits do not entail grandeur steps. All you need to remember is the 2-minute rule, wherein you need to start your habits in less than two minutes. In less than 2-minutes, you can start doing the habit that you desired to adopt.

If you want to stick with your exercise routine, start stretching for a minute before running or yoga.

3. Understand the concept of being healthy

Similar to tip number one, it is essential to understand what means to be healthy. Being healthy does not mean you need to lose fat to look fit. But instead, a healthy person refers to someone who has an uplifting mood and high energy level through his/her habit of exercising and having a balanced diet.

“Basing your actions on another person’s version of health rather than your own will likely lead to disappointment—and can even become dangerous,” MindBodyGreen report stated.

4. Be easy on yourself

Part of the journey of being healthy is to be patient and learn to show compassion for yourself. A healthy lifestyle is a journey and not a race that is defined by your body sizes.

Keep in mind that exercises do not need to be perfect on your first try. Remember that you can always try again when you fail or you lose focus. Creating mistakes will help you to be better.

Source: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/how-to-form-healthy-habits-that-stick

The Cost of Being Kind

the cost of being kind

Most people strive to be kind than to be right. But what’s the cost of being kind? Houston Kroft, an author, will impart his deep dive about kindness.

Moreover, Kroft defines kindness as an overused word that eventually became undervalued.

“When I think about kindness — and I’m guessing when most people think about kindness — they think about the things like the pay-it-forward coffee lines. And while those things are great, we need a new way of thinking about it,” Kroft stated.

 For Kroft, the misconception of people about kindness is that it is free. But in reality, there are costs when you choose to be kind. When an individual opts to radiate change, one needs to exert effort, spend time, and give more energy.

When you choose to be kind, you definitely sacrifice comfort. It cost you to listen and empathize with others. More often than not, kindness costs people discipline and reprioritization.

If I don’t spend time first identifying what people are going through, what they’re navigating, what they actually need, then my kindness is going to typically serve me more than it does the person on the far side,” Kroft stated.

Respectively, empathy and kindness somehow correlate. People can’t be kind if they do not put their feet in other’s shoes. It is genuine kindness when you show empathy to people who hurt you often.

“Empathy is an easily confused concept because people think that empathy is an action unto itself,” Jamil Zaki, Ph.D., a psychology professor at Stanford University, said.

“Empathy is more of an umbrella term that encapsulates sharing, thinking, and caring ” he added.

Interestingly, the cost of being kind does not outweigh the benefit of doing it. Kindness is what the world needs today. People tend to forget that at the end of the day, it is the relationship that matters most. In life, you will not be remembered for what you have accomplished but for how you impact the lives of others.

Source: https://greatist.com/live/deep-kindness

How to Keep One’s Sanity Amidst the Chaos


When the world seems uncontrollable, focus on what you can control. Today’s pandemic made us anxious and doubtful about our life. But the situation also helps us to focus on what essentially matters, the things that we have control of such as our habits, lifestyle, and mindset. Here are simple ways how to keep one’s sanity amidst the chaos.

Reading books is one way to escape reality especially that today’s news overwhelms us. To avoid this type of exhaustion, it is also important to detox ourselves from social media.

Moreover, good books help in refocusing one’s focus. It is ideal to read books that are relevant to what you want to achieve. If you want to improve your habits, self-help books are ideal to be your side-kick.

Further, even successful CEOs have a habit of reading books. For them, books obtain ideas and solutions that can address today’s difficulties. It is through reading that the horizon of ideas can be broadened.

Apart from reading books, when you feel restless, it is ideal to exercise. Today’s situation helps us realized that we should prioritize our health. What is more interesting about exercising is that it improves one’s mood and not merely boosting immunity.

Given that exercising can benefit the mind, journaling as well can help in clearing one’s thoughts. This can significantly help you control what you can focus on. If you take your mental wellness for granted, you will have difficulty to create decisions and generate ideas to solve the problem.

When you prioritize your mental health, you can easily choose the right mindset for you to decide which battle to take. Here’s a 15-minute mind exercise to help you boost your productivity by Alister Grey. Meditation can reduce stress by 20% and even increase self-awareness.

Despite the pandemic, we should not only focus on boosting our immunity but it is also essential to keep our focus because our concentration generates wealth and keep our sanity. 

What is mindset of abundance by Naveen Jain?

mindset of abundance

“Once you change your mindset from one of scarcity to a mindset of abundance, you begin to think of potentials and possibilities rather than the things that can’t be done,” Naveen Jain, author of Moonshot, says.

A philanthropist and entrepreneur, Naveen Jain, will impart the importance of attaining a mindset of abundance. This type of mindset has been embraced by different CEOs that are similar to him, an Indian immigrant. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, and Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, were emboldened to achieve revolutionary matters making their businesses successful.

Abundance mindset means that there are a lot of things that we can share with other people, not just material things but also most importantly, kindness and knowledge. With that in mind, Jain did not restrict his thinking on things that exist. According to him, you do not think big when people will not think that you are crazy.

Jain emphasized that abundance of mindset leads you to thrive on changing the status quo rather than maintaining it. He truly believes that if you stay in the industry for a long time it is an indication that you are not innovating. He also highlighted that the company is becoming obsolete if it is more mature. Thus, start-ups are more closer to be successful.

With the current pandemic, successful entrepreneurs are those who continue their business as usual. They were able to innovate and pivot when things aren’t going their way. But not all were lucky to make it. However, a mindset of abundance does not allow you to be disheartened when you fail. Interestingly, it will make us resilient.

You can’t be resilient when you have negativities on your mind. Remember that you can’t give what you do not have. Thus, learn to prime your mind to have what you want to obtain and reach in life. Your frustrations and difficulties at the present are things you need to experience for you to be the person you pursue.

Source: https://www.success.com/naveen-jain-has-crazy-dreams/

The Difference Between Happiness and Joy


Happiness and joy pertain to an elated feeling but imply two different things. Simon Sinek, the author of Start With the Why, differentiate happiness and joy based on human experience.

Simon explained that happiness is what you feel when you won from a lottery or got an A from your exams. But the feeling does not linger for a long time.

Joy, on the other hand, is more underlying feeling. However, you do not experience it daily. As we seek joy, we take into account the reality that everyday is not a great day. But we are aware that the small progress attributes to the joy that awaits.

“Joy is more enduring, and can be more consistent, because it’s the byproduct of an aligned and genuine life where you feel like you matter,” Brian Ford, the content creator of the Self Improvement Daily, stated.

Somehow we can say that happiness is what we feel when there’s an achievement while we attain join when there’s a fulfillment. Apart from Sinek, Dalai Lama imparted his appreciation towards the essence of joy.

As cited from the Book of Joy by Dalai Lama, “Joy seems to blanket this entire emotional expanse”.

Accordingly, Paul Ekman, famed emotions researcher and longtime friend of the Dalai Lama, has written that joy is associated with feelings as varied as:

pleasure (of the five senses)amusement (from a chuckle to a belly laugh) contentment (a calmer kind of satisfaction) excitement (in response to novelty or challenge) relief (following upon another emotion, such as fear, anxiety, and even pleasure) wonder (before something astonishing and admirable) ecstasy or bliss (transporting us outside ourselves) exultation (at having accomplished a difficult or daring task) radiant pride (when our children earn a special honor) unhealthy jubilation or schadenfreude (relishing in someone else’s suffering) elevation (from having witnessed an act of kindness, generosity, or compassion) gratitude (the appreciation of a selfless act of which one is the beneficiary).

In reality, we sometimes need to suffer for us to truly appreciate the essence of joy. More importantly, in the Book of Joy, people are being reminded to be the source of happiness for other’s for us to experience joy.

Dalai Lama emphasized in his book that we can genuinely experience joy when we become compassionate even in the most difficult times.

Habits that Improve Your Focus Amidst Pandemic


Working remotely nowadays has still bombarded people with workloads. To mitigate anxieties and improve your focus amidst the pandemic, here are some helpful habits to stay focused.

Forgive yourself in reducing the focus

It is essential to admit that you are losing your focus due to numerous reasons but that’s okay. The key to forgiveness is acceptance. Do not feel bad when you lose willpower because you miss being with your co-workers, friends, and loved ones. What you feel right now is normal because all of us were not used to today’s current set-up where all people wear masks, observe social distancing, and avoid big camaraderie.

By forgiving yourself and acknowledging today’s situation can ease up anxieties. Do not allow yourself to be upset because you are unproductive. After all, it will make the situation worse.

Plan your ‘escape behaviors’

Escape behaviors refer to the things that remove your boredom and stress in doing many workloads. Planning your workloads can improve your focus amidst the pandemic. This will help you manage the time you allot with your specific tasks.

“The key to dealing with escape behaviors is to anticipate them because you know yourself well enough to know which are likely to crop up during any given workday,” psychologist Traci Stein, Ph.D. explains.

Take care of your physical needs

Taking care of your physical needs does not only boosts your immunity but also your focus. That’s why exercising is beneficial to increase one’s focus and productivity.

Apart from it, you need to make sure you are eating nutritious food and getting enough sleep. Keep in mind that it is difficult to focus when you lack sleep.

Plan your breaks

Similar to planning your escape behaviors, it is also important to plan your breaks. Do not work too much especially when you are tired. Forcing yourself to work even you are tired will compromise your work.

“One popular approach is to use the Pomodoro Technique, which calls for 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break, with at least a 15-minute break every two hours,” Inc report said.

