Home Health The Essentials of Morning Routine

The Essentials of Morning Routine

morning routine

A morning routine sets the tone of your entire day. This significantly helps to improve your productivity.

Interestingly, Google’s Chief Executive Officer,(CEO) Sundar Pichai proves that stress and success do not work hand in hand but instead he emphasized the importance of low-key routines every morning.

According to him, the essential routine he has every morning is a kick-start for him to begin his busy day.

If you’re the type of person who keeps on pressing the snooze button of your alarm and goes back to bed, well, maybe you’re suffering from procrastination and has a difficulty to improve productivity.

But it’s not yet too late to improve your habits. Let yourself control the schedule and not the other way around. Here are some points on why you should start building your morning routine.

Lessons Learned from Morning Routine

  • Calmness is a great way to start the day

As you jump-off your bed, you do not need to compel yourself to do your work first thing in the morning. You can do meditation, exercising, and journaling to begin your day so that calmness radiates within you throughout the day. Some people read spiritual messages or listen to self-motivating audiobooks to motivate themselves. The calmness brought about your routine reduces stress which can increase your productivity

  • Invest in meaningful matters

Building your morning routine helps you to become more focused on achieving your goals and complete daily tasks effectively which truly matters for everyone.

As James Everett Youngblood (2019) imparted that busywork is different from deep work which leads to an individual’s best work. Doing work that is uninterrupted, quiet, and glorious increases one’s self-fulfillment.

Through these daily rituals, people become motivated to do things in life.

  • Keep on moving

As Pichai of Google highlighted that his daily routines in the morning are kick-starter for his day, well, you should also start moving.

Do something every morning that can boost your mood for the entire day. Doing physical activities is one way to keep yourself moving during mornings.

I know this wouldn’t be easy with people who are not morning persons. But as they said, consistency entails persistence. If you want to invest in improving your productivity, you need to go beyond your comfort zone.

  • Maintain balance

As you pursue morning routine, you need to be balanced. You need to have the self-awareness for your well-being while getting things done.

“I’ve found that the best mornings are balanced. They include a mix of something physical, some time for focused work, and a way to get my mind and heart aligned for the day,” James Everett Youngblood said.

How you begin your day ripples out, influencing the remaining time of your day. Most people do a lot of trial and error before settling on their routines, even known CEOs commit to their daily rituals.

If you want to explore how to build your morning routines, SKILLSHARE can help you out. Just use this link (https://skl.sh/2woAL4I) to have a free subscription for two months.



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